

Sports Marketing
From the era of placing player cards in tobacco boxes in the 1920s to the current days of digital and personalized merchandising, ITW Core’s Yashodhan Nakhare discusses the developments in the world of merchandising and three strategies that organisations have adopted to promote their products. Sporting allegiances among fans transcend mere support, they are a...
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European sports teams are dominated time and time again in Forbes’ list of most valuable sports teams by their American counterparts despite having bigger, global audiences. ITW Core’s Devanshu Bhatt explores why their valuations diverge. The fallout from the war in Ukraine has had an impact on sport, but none more salient than what’s unfolding...
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How IPL franchises are building sponsor revenue streams that help them diversify apart from the central pool and why that’s the model of the future. ITW Core’s Devanshu Bhatt explains the evolution that seems to be mirroring an international trend.  Manchester City are in a virtuous cycle. They seem to be leading the race for...
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From being something only sporting nerds cared about, sports analytics is poised to become a business all on its own. ITW Core’s Devanshu Bhatt explores how the eco system has evolved and what lies in store. Nowadays, it is hard to escape talk of Expected Goals or xG in footballing circles. However, football is far...
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Sports and sporting events are peerless when it comes to their ability to fuel passion and ignite a sense of community. Clearly, this is not lost on sponsors who spent to the tune of $46 billion in 2019, trying to capitalize on the emotional rub off effects of fans for their brands. But there is...
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Influencer marketing is no longer just about paying Kylie Jenner a million bucks to talk about your lipstick brand on her Instagram. In these tumultuous times, it’s an essential tool to connect closely with customers and craft your brand’s messaging to reflect changing times. By Hitesh Mangtani and Tareque Laskar, ITW CORE – ITW Consulting Pvt. Ltd....
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South Africa’s Mzansi Super League (MSL) may be the newest T20 kid on the block, but as its second season begins, it already appears to be on an auspicious trajectory South Africa’s showpiece T20 league, the Mzansi Super League (MSL) which had a fairly successful first season, is set to start its second season today...
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